Saturday, 15 November 2014

A Pinch of Salt, A Pinch Of Sugar, Flavor My Verses

Deeksha Seth

Penned By B D Narayankar

Each night,
a pinch of salt
from your eyes;
a pinch of sugar
from your lips
I steal 
to flavor my verses

Each night,
I peep into your eyes;
remove shards of
dreams one by one
to find my face in them

Each night,
I calm the
spiteful darkness
and invite pleasing
mornings for you

Each night,
I flame the lamp
along the path
you would come by

Each night,
I fill your thoughts 
into the pan of my loneliness

Each moment
I remember 
I had spent in your presence
as though 
I have been born
again and again for you;
My Love!

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