Friday, 29 August 2014

Wrong Desires

no choice for"alas"!!!

Poem By B D Narayankar

Why does the face of desires look a bit hazy?
Why there are oodles of desires?
Why the recce of desires
seems to have come to a standstill?
Why are these desires wrong?

On every turn, they twirl in new direction
While blossoming, wither away in a flash
They are shameless
And yet shy, these desires

These desires sting (as in snake bite) life slowly
Drinking tears, they laugh
In the tangled dilemma of desires
The life passes by

In the glaze of a light if the eyes are blinded
What is the use of such light?
After being lost, you are not brought back to the coast
What is the use of such a raft?

They bring storm slowly
They promise, then cheat
They look the other way, these desires
laugh and tease you

These desires sting life slowly (as in, to death, like a snake)
Drinking tears, the desires laugh
In the tangled dilemma of desires
The life passes by

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